Tel: 020 8524 1505 | Mob: +44 (0) 7879 691344

Mob: +44 (0) 7879 691344

Joanna - A Qualified Nutritionist

Joanna trained as a dietician at St. Bartholomew’s Hospital in London and is a degree qualified clinical nutritionist. She is regularly developing her clinical knowledge and lectures to the medical profession as well as individual groups. Joanna is passionate about her work and writes nutritional articles for various magazines.

She uses a holistic approach, i.e. looking at the body as a whole and not the individual condition when assessing her patients’ needs and addressing the specific cause or condition, not just the symptoms. Through detailed analysis of the individual’s nutrition and lifestyle a personalised diet and supplementation plan can then be created. This is achieved by addressing physiological and psychological imbalances and where necessary, she will send patients for appropriate blood, hair, food intolerance and pathological tests. And because of this comprehensive approach, Joanna’s patients have often referred to her as ‘The Nutritional Detective’.

Nutritional therapy can help the following conditions: IBS, Crohns, Colitis, Candida, Bloating, Food Allergies and Intolerances, Arthritis, Osteoporosis, Blood pressure, Chronic fatigue, Hormone problems including fertility and Conception, Eczema, Psoriasis, General skin problems, Asthma, Stress, Insomnia, Multiple Sclerosis and Parkinson’s disease.

For further details of consultations Joanna can be contacted on 020 8531 6569 or contact the clinic via our contacts page.

Most Private Health Insurance (PHI) companies now will cover Osteopathic Treatment......

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These sets of instructional videos have been produced in order to provide a visual and audible description of Osteopathic Minimal (short) Lever Mid Range Manipulation Techniques for osteopaths, physiotherapists, manual therapists, at mid to senior student level, graduates and post graduates. Techniques demonstrated look at the basic spinal regions, the spinal junctions, the sacro-iliac joints, ribs and the lower and upper extremity joints.

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Most Private Health Insurance (PHI) companies cover Osteopathic Treatment

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